22nd Occupational Science Seminar (in Tokyo)
Participating & Collaborating:Learning from and with each other about occupation.
<Time and Place>
December 8 and 9, 2018
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Arakawa-Campus
Access: https://www.tmu.ac.jp/english/university/access.html
Nearest station is Kumanomae.
Participating & Collaborating: Learning from and with each other about occupation.
Please read the pdf
About seminar theme English.pdf
<Program> ※Program times and oral and poster sessions to be confirmed
Tsuyoshi Sato Memorial Lecture
Ayumi Nishino (Flowers Bloom Again Project)
Achieving “support through occupation”.
Keynote lecture
Debbie Laliberte Rudman (Western University, Ontario, Canada)
Transformative scholarship: Possibilities and challenges for radical forms of
Special Lecture
Björn-Ole Kamm (Kyoto University)
Live-Action Role-Play (Larp) as a Serious Gaming Tool for Awareness Raising: The Case of hikikomori (Acute Social Withdrawal).
Special international event
OS in South-East Asia: Kick-off event ACPO, Asian Community for the Promotion of Occupation.
Incorporating occupational science in own practices.
<Call for abstracts>
Poster or oral presentations.
Please contact us at osseminar22endai@jsso.jp
Submission deadline is August 31.
<Registration fees>
[2days] Member JPY7,000 Non member JPY 10,000 Student JPY 3,000
[1day] Member JPY 5,000 Non member JPY 7,000 Student JPY 3,000
Same day registration (please contact osseminarjsso@gmail.com for availability)
[2days] Member JPY 9,000 Non member JPY 12,000 Student JPY 3,000
[1day] Member JPY 6,000 Non member JPY 8,000 Student JPY 3,000
<Congress Party>
First day evening: JPY 5,000
<How to Register>
Please e-mail osseminarjsso@gmail.com with the following information.
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. E-mail Address
4. Telephone number
5. Which registration to make (Member or Not? Both days or one day?)
6. Attendance congress party (Yes/No)
7. Whether or not you would like to order a bento lunch box 1,000\ each (Both days, 1st day only, 2nd day only)
21th Occupational Science Seminar in Osaka
Theme: Origin regression to link Occupational Science to clinical –Question Occupational Being-
Date: December 9 and 10,2017
Place: Osaka River-side Hotel (Osaka, Japan)
Support: Osaka Association of Occupational Therapists
<Seminar fee>
[2days] Member JPY7,000 Non member JPY 10,000 Student JPY 3,000
[1day] Member JPY 5,000 Non member JPY 7,000 Student JPY 3,000
Same day registration
[2days] Member JPY 9,000 Non member JPY 12,000 Student JPY 3,000
[1day] Member JPY 6,000 Non member JPY 8,000 Student JPY 3,000
Congress Party JPY 5,000
<Program> ※Program contents and time may be changed
[Day1 (December 9)]
09:15~10:00 Receptionist
10:00~10:30 Opening ceremony
10:30~12:00 Sato Tsuyoshi Memorial lecture
Lecturer: Peter Bontje (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Theme: Occupying daily life: Invoking the powers of Occupation
12:00~13:50 Lunch
13:50~15:20 Keynote lecture
Lecturer: Sarah Kantartzis(Queen Margaret University)
Theme: Perspectives on occupation-based social inclusion
15:20~15:30 Break
15:30~16:30 Dictation Presentation
16:30~16:40 Break
16:40~18:10 Special lecture
Lecturer: Suimei Morikawa
Theme: Do not decide your own things without yourself
-Life style learned from “Open Dialogue”-
18:30~20:00 Congress Party
[Day2 (December 10) ]
08:30~09:00 Receptionist
09:00~10:30 Poster presentation
10:30~10:40 Break
10:40~12:00 Basic Course
Lecturer: Hiromi Yoshikawa (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Theme: The basic course of Occupational science
12:00~13:00 Lunch
13:00~14:40 Workshop
Utilization of knowledge of “Occupational being”
14:40~15:00 Closing ceremony
<How to Register>
Pre-registration only
Registration is available until October 31.
For registration, please send E-mail to osseminar21@jsso.jp with the following information.
Submission deadline is until October 31.
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. E-mail Address
4. Telephone number
5. Which registration to make (Member or Not? Whole seminar or One day?)
6. Attend Congress Party?(Yes/No)
7. Whether or not you would like to order a lunch box on Day.(One day:1,000\)(Not or 1day or 2days)
<How to submit presentation>
If you want to submit a paper to present at the seminar, please contact us at osseminar21endai@jsso.jp
Submission deadline is until July 31.
17th Occupational Science Seminar
Date: 30 November,2013 – 1 December
Place: Koriyama Yracs Atami (Fukushima)
Support:Koriyama Convention Bureau
【Day 1】
8:30 〜 Reception
9:00 〜 9:10 Opening ceremony
9:15 〜 10:45 Special Lecture
Speaker: Yoshikazu KIDA
11:00 〜 12:00 Presentation Session (oral)
【3 presentations;20min.each】
12:00 〜 13:30 Lunch
13:30 〜 14:30 Presentation Session (Poster)
14:45 〜 16:15 Workshop
16:30 〜 18:00 Keynote lecture
Speaker: Helene J Polatajko
19:30 〜 Get-together Party
【Day 2】
8:30 〜 Reception
9:30 〜 10:30 Presentation Session (Oral)
【3 presentations;20min.each】
10:45 〜 12:15 SATO Tsuyoshi Memorial Lecture
Speaker: Sawako SAITO
12:15 〜 12:30 Closing Ceremony
Seminar Fee:
Member, pre-registration 6,000円
Member, same day registration 7,000円
Non member, pre-registration 8,000円
Non member, same day registration 9,000円
Student 2,000円
Attend one day 4,000円
Gala dinner : Date : 30 November
Fee : pre-registration 5,000円,
How to Register
Registration is available until October 31.
For registration, plese send an email to osseminar17@jsso.jp with the following information ;
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. Address
4. Telephone number
5.Which registration to make (Member or not? whole seminar or one day?)
6. Attend Gala dinner? (Yes/No)
7. Whether or not you would like to order a lunch box on Day 1(1,000 yen)
How to submit presentation
If you want to submit a paper to present at the semiar, please contact us at osseminar17@jsso.jp
The 15th Occupational Science Seminar
Date:September 24-25, 2011
Place: Prefectural University of Hiroshima (Mihara, Hiroshima)
Click here for the details of the seminar.
Click here for the program of the seminar.
Click here for the abstract of the seminar.
Occupational Science Workshop in Sapporo
Date : May 15
Place:Sapporo Medical University
School of Health Science
Theme : Occupational Science:Theory and Practice
Occupational Justice and Practice
Lecturer:Dikaios Sakellariou (MSc, OTR)
Lecturer at the department of Occupational Therapy at
Cardiff University (UK)
Charge : Free
Click here for pdf (Japanese only)
The 14th Occupational Science Seminar
Date:December 11-12, 2010
Place: Ryukyu University (Okinawa)
Click here for the details of the seminar. (In Japanese Only)
The 13th Occupational Science Seminar
Date:November 22-23, 2009
Place: the Fukuoka International College of Health and Welfare (Fukuoka)
Click here for the details of the seminar. (In Japanese Only)
Open Lecture
“Occupation, Awareness, Occupational Presence”
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (Doors open at 9:30)
Place: SIGG(Shakai Igaku Gijyutu Gakuin), Tokyo
Speaker: Denise Reid, Professor at the University of Toronto, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
The 12th Occupational Science Seminar
The 12th Occupational Science Seminar was successfully held on November 22-23, 2008 at the Bukyo Gakuin University in Tokyo.
Click here for the details of the seminar. (In Japanese Only)
The 11th Occupational Science Seminar
The 11th Occupational Science Seminar was successfully held on December 1-2, 2007 in Kurashiki City, Okayama.
The 10th Occupational Science Seminar
The 10th Occupational Science Seminar was successfully held on December 2-3, 2006 at Aino University in Osaka, with a total of a 141 participants.
The 9th Occupational Science Seminar
The 9th Occupational Science Seminar was successfully held on December 3-4, 2005 at Seirei Christopher University in Shizuoka, with over a hundred participants.